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What is Futurex’s Base Architecture Model?

The data security industry is undergoing rapid changes. Outdated encryption technology can be the downfall of an infrastructure, no matter how secure it may have once been. Each day, criminals develop new ways of bypassing security measures and stealing sensitive and confidential data. Systems administrators charged with protecting their organization’s information must be able to rely on their security infrastructure to protect their sensitive data.

Futurex’s Hardened Enterprise Security Platform protects the data of some of the largest Tier-1 organizations in the world. One of the keys to the platform’s continued success is the common code found in all Futurex devices known as the Base Architecture Model. Through this model, Futurex is able to add new features across all products; expedite coding, development, and quality assurance testing; and develop new products faster, providing our customers with quicker access to the technology they need to successfully defend their infrastructures.

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